Sorry! There seems to be an issue with your login attempt. Please consider the following:

1. This is my first time logging in.

Please make sure you have confirmed the required LSAC coaching link using the email you should have received from LSAC. All that is required is that you use the link in the email and login to your LSAC account. If you did not receive the email or if you need to request it be resent, Contact Us.

2. I’ve used the link in the LSAC Coaching Link email to login to my LSAC account, but am still having trouble with LSAT Wizard.

Please verify that your LSAC account has the PrepPlus Subscription. The easiest way is to go to and login to your LSAC account. After logging in you will see a library of PrepTests that either: (1) only has a small number of tests, or (2) has 70+ tests. If you only see a small number of tests, you most likely do NOT have the proper LSAC license. You must pay the $99 through LSAC to upgrade your account to an active PrepPlus subscriber. If you are still having trouble, Contact Us

3. I’ve accessed the LSAT Wizard material before, but now I was redirected to this site.

The most likely explanation is that either your subscription to PrepPlus or LSAT Wizard has expired. To confirm your PrepPlus subscription, follow the steps from the Second Question above. If you are still having trouble, Contact Us.